"The most successful people are those who are good at plan B." - J. Yorke

Friday, February 18, 2011

More Job Applications: Nursing Homes

I've put in two job applications for caregiver type positions at residential care for the elderly places in the last week. Both were advertised on CraigsList. The first was a reply by email application and I just sent them my resume and a cover letter. It was for a self-described "small" facility in town and they wanted someone who specifically could cover weekends.

The other position I applied for was in a moderate sized care facility in town that is known as one of the posher places like that locally. It looks really nice inside. They had openings for both full and part time, but I said I just wanted to work 20 hours per week on the days that I didn't have class.

I plan on keeping my tutoring job through the end of the semester (May) to build up a better job history, and then go for full time positions again, whether in the rest homes or maybe in the hospitals doing monitor tech work. I'm also still keeping an eye out for teaching positions.

I hope they don't just look at my resume, see that I have a couple degrees, declare me overqualified and move on. I need the money, and the experience. My application for a school loan at the community college was denied (the appeal, too) because I already have a degree/too many units. I need to get some more work hours in somewhere!

BTW, I got a 94% on the first physiology exam that I was posting about in the last entry. So far my average in the class is about 96%.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Physiology Exam 1

This is my last Pre-Nursing prerequisite class... so I feel like I really should do well. So far, from 2 homework assignments and a lab, I have a 96%. Our first exam (of 6 for the semester) is tomorrow. I feel like I really should be studying hard but I'm low on motivation.

I invited some classmates over to my house on Saturday to study with me but none of them ended up coming between childcare issues, transportation obstacles, picking friends up at the airport, etc.

I feel like I could do pretty well on this test whether or not I study...in fact I feel like I could have easily taught this first section of the class. Which is probably why I'm having trouble motivating myself to study more. But it would be great if I could get 100% and really keep my grade up there, especially at the beginning, because who knows how hard it might get later on.

The topics for the first exam are going to be: The cell, basic chemistry, and metabolism. As well as feedback loops, some concept mapping, etc. I haven't really read the assigned chapters. I think I read part of chapter 1, but that's it. Maybe if I do some of the concept checking questions at the end of the chapters that will help me get back into it.

Here's hoping!