"The most successful people are those who are good at plan B." - J. Yorke

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A guy walks into the hospital lobby....

No, I'm not about to tell a joke. He came in, limping, dripping blood, and he and his friend wanted to be pointed toward the ER. I ran for a wheelchair, which he didn't want to use, but I was glad I talked him into it. He was acting like he was going into shock, and with the limp, I knew we could get there faster with him in the chair.

He was biking on the road with no helmet, somehow fell, and skidded across a large swath of asphalt. Basically, ouch. He was all trembly and kept saying he felt "tingly all over", which the ER personnel told me was a result of hyperventilating (Oops, I had told him to take deep, slow breaths to help with the pain and calm down...guess he didn't hear the slow part or wasn't able to calm himself enough).

The nurse thanked me for bringing him --- and I stood there like an idiot -- do I stay? do I go? I want my wheelchair back! (in my head) -- but it turned out it was good I was there because she asked me to stay with him a little longer while she went for a gurney.

He looked young & healthy; I'm sure he'll be fine.

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