"The most successful people are those who are good at plan B." - J. Yorke

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

One scary thing...

At the end of our all day skills day, our teachers sat the whole group down for a "serious talk" about the policies of the program. Most of it seemed pretty reasonable and manageable, like absence and tardy policies, etc. But many of us jumped when they outlined the policy on clinical practice plans.

They went into this long thing about how they are meant to help, not hurt. They will make us better nurses. Oh, I guess I should explain what it is first. If your clinical instructor notices that you are doing something wrong while out in a care setting, they will sit you down and you have to write up a plan together to work on making it better and eliminating the problem. That all sounds great. Maybe a little threatening just in that it's a criticism, but not a HUGE deal. And they say most of us will get one at some point, and probably more than one. Okay. I can cope with that. But then they say, oh, and by the way, every time you get one your grade drops by half a grade. So, say, if I have an A-, but then they notice that I forgot to wash my hands once in a situation where I should have, then B+. Ouch.

Makes me a little more nervous about going into the clinical arena with the instructor.

I've noticed in myself that in the first few days of school, I've been feeling kind of insecure, kind of shy. A little overwhelmed by everyone seeming to know my name and I haven't quite picked up theirs yet. A little self conscious when I ask a question that feels a little out of my league. Happy but suspicious that there's some negative connotation behind it when one of the other students teases me that I'm their class president (elections have not been held, and yeah, I've thought about it, but...).

Deep breaths. No biggy. This is going to be stretching my definition of who I am, but in good ways.

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