"The most successful people are those who are good at plan B." - J. Yorke

Monday, January 10, 2011

anxious about getting up early

So tomorrow morning I start a week of AM shifts at the lab, which begin at 6am. It is not that I mind getting up early, that I really just want to laze about and sleep in. I am truly anxious about sleeping too late and missing work. I have had issues with getting up at the right time for a long time now, and will regularly set several alarms as backup. Hopefully that is enough for tomorrow.

I have also been trying to gradually move back my wake-up time over the weekend to accomodate the change in schedule -- on the afternoon shifts, my body didn't want to wake up until 11 or 12. I got up for the first time at 7:30 this morning, had breakfast, fed the cats, etc. But somehow ended up back under the covers again until 9:30! At least that's an improvement over 11.

I might dose myself with a unisom tonight around 7 or 8 and see if I can get to sleep extremely early. And set multiple alarms for around 5 o'clock.

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