"The most successful people are those who are good at plan B." - J. Yorke

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Medical Terminology Course

After my human anatomy and physiology prerequisite courses were done, I wasn't planning on taking any more classes until nursing school started, that is, unless I wasn't able to find work, and as a back up I planned to sign up for phlebotomy and medical assisting for Fall semester.

However, spring term ended, I still haven't found work, and the tutoring center called me to ask if I wanted to keep working for the summer. They said I needed to be enrolled in at least 1 unit to keep working through the summer. A couple of weeks later, after the 6 week summer term had already started, they told me they had made a mistake, that as long as I had been a student in spring it was okay to keep working in summer without having a course.

By that time I had already signed up and taken the first test for Medical Terminology, an online course offered through the nursing department. It is 3 units, and let me tell you, it is probably the easiest class I've ever experienced. With the combination of my background in biology and having studied some languages, and then the fact that it's an online course, I can work at my own pace and it's basically open book, I really can't imagine not doing well.

I almost dropped it when I found out I didn't need it for my tutoring job, but I had already paid the enrollment fee, and I thought maybe it could help me study for the TEAS, and perhaps be a good resume builder, maybe land me a job as a medical transcriber or something.

I probably should spend a little more time on it, rather than whooshing through it breakneck speed, so that the words that have been new to me actually stick in the old 'noggin.

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