"The most successful people are those who are good at plan B." - J. Yorke

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Update on the Parents' Reaction...

My dad...sweet dad...when hearing of my good grades in anatomy and physiology, says, well congratulations, and I'm not surprised you did so well.

My mom over the last several weeks has repeatedly brought up the fact that I am going to be exposed to AIDS and other communicable diseases (today going so far as comparing it to working at the power plant and being exposed to lots of radiation).

Then, on other days she will say something like she's been talking to a friend, and that they think I should really take nursing to the next level, and become a nurse practitioner rather than "just a nurse".

Or last week, one of her friends had been watching some show on t.v. (CSI or similar) and been exposed to the fact that there are "forensic" nurses who specialize in collecting necessary evidence following rape, violence, child abuse, etc, and she thought this was really what I should do.

Then she'll quiz me; I'll be sitting their in the living room with her and my dad, and she'll randomly ask me if I know where the parotid gland is, that some friend in her sewing class has a growth in hers that may need to be removed if it gets any bigger.

I think I've finally gotten her to stop calling me "nursey-nurse" in a sing song voice. Occasionally she will stop what she's saying mid sentence, giggle, and say "I almost said it, but I didn't!" and at first when she did that I was confused what she meant, but it turns out this is her way of calling me "nursey-nurse" in her head without breaking the "rules".

She bought some sort of nursing text book online, and explained that it was for herself, but that I could look at it if I wanted to. W.t.h.? Recently she's been wearing scrub pants around the house "because they are comfortable".

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