"The most successful people are those who are good at plan B." - J. Yorke

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Senior Living Community Receptionist Position

Another catch-up post to stay up-to-date on my job search.

About 4 months ago I had seen a receptionist position posted on craigslist at a senior living community. Honestly, I barely remember applying for it. It was with the same company that I have applied to be an activities director, a caregiver, or a medication technician at various points in the past year.

A couple of weeks ago they called me up and asked if I was still looking for work. I guess they had hired someone around the time I turned in the application, but she had only been working for a month or so when she had to move out of town or family reasons. Okay, yes -- I was still looking for work, and yes, I could come in for an interview.

I had a (not so close, but friendly) acquaintance who happens to work in the same place, and she called me up when she found out about my interview to tell me more about the position, the people who work there, what hours they were trying to cover, and any questions she thought they might ask me during the interview. This helped boost my confidence a lot; none of the questions I was asked were exactly the same but I took what questions she brought up and thought of some of my own and actually wrote down what I thought would be good answers that were true for me the night before the interview for practice.

The interview went really well. I felt like skipping when I left. The lady who interviewed me seemed super-nice, and I felt I'd been able to come across as their best pick for the job. About 2 hours after I left, I got another call from them asking me to come in for a second interview. The time they wanted me to come conflicted with a scheduled office appointment and tutoring appointment, but I juggled my schedule around and told them yes.

I felt a little less confident after the second interview, but again, warm feelings about the people who were involved (3 of them this time: the CEO of the company, the lady from the first interview who's a manager, and the lead receptionist).

A couple of days went by, and I started to think, well, I guess since I haven't heard anything I must have flubbed the second interview; maybe I was too informal or something. Maybe they chose someone else. I kept expecting to get a form letter in the mail saying "thank you so much for your application but..."

However, that night, two days after the interview, that friend who works there called me about 11pm, sounding a little drunk to be honest, and told me that they had loved me at both the interviews, that they were super excited about hiring me, and went on and on about the things they liked about me. It sounded like a done deal. Whew.

But now it's been a full week since that 2nd interview and I still haven't heard anything from the company. Maybe tomorrow will be the day.

It's another part time gig, so no benefits. About 24 hours per week. My friend that works there makes $9 per hour but she thought they'd start me at a higher wage (she sounded bitter about that, so I'm not sure if I should tell her if they do).

When I'd talked myself into the idea that I hadn't gotten the job, I was thinking, okay, well maybe that's not a bad thing; it leaves my schedule open for a better, full-time job. But I do hope I get it.

In either case, it was nice to get some positive feedback after all the run-around I feel like I've been getting on the job hunt for the last year.

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