"The most successful people are those who are good at plan B." - J. Yorke

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Classes Update (for Fall 2011)

I decided that even if the 2nd job doesn't work out, I will probably be doing the CNA on the job training at a place in town this fall, so I went ahead and dropped the medical assisting class that I had on the back burner for fall semester at the community college.

In its place, again as a sort of back up, what-if scenario, I signed up for maternal/child nutrition, gerontological nutrition, and community health. These are all 3 unit, online classes. So now as my options for fall semester (in addition to whatever work I'm doing) I've got:

-Phlebotomy (2 nights per week driving about 50 minutes to get to class plus to do externship hours later on in the semester). Could get me a good job but it might take a while.
-EKG monitor technician (1 day per week for 6 weeks, driving 50 minutes to get to the other campus for a 3 hour training before I go to retirement home job). There's a possibility I could get this training at a local hospital instead, starting in October, which I would prefer. However, none of the details about schedule are out yet.

And the 3 online classes to chose between, main purpose of which would be to (a) keep my tutoring job, (b) fluff up my healthcare resume:

-Maternal/Child Nutrition (has a textbook that's over $100 dollars, unfortunately)
-Gerontological Nutrition (has a cheap textbook, only 20 bucks or so, but less appealing to me than the mom/baby class)
-Community Health (seems like a great idea to take, but again $100 dollar textbook)

Maybe, given that I'm going to have pretty much full time hours at the nursing home job for the next few months, and I'm going to feel tight on time, especially if I keep phlebotomy, I should quit the tutoring job. I don't want to. I enjoy working with the students and I feel like I am doing a good job there. And it gets me priority registration at the community college (which, in fairness, I probably won't need anymore if I go ahead and take phlebotomy this semester). Maybe if I cut my hours way, way back? :-/ Also seems like a cop-out.

I'm going to have 6 weeks to accomplish 40.5 hours of clinical externship, and the website says I need to have weekday availability to work with their externship sites. If I had all day Wednesday (assuming I stop tutoring at that point of the semester), I would be doing it 8 hours at a time, meaning I would barely get it done in the 6 weeks.

It looks like, assuming my coworker who's on maternity leave comes back on time, I could also do Friday afternoons if they could take me then. I would need time to change, plus time to travel to North County...if all the externship sites are there. So realistically I could probably start at 2pm? Another 4 hours per week (I'm guessing here). If I did that I could get the hours done in (4x12=48 hours) four weeks.

Phlebotomy is a really, really hard class to get into. So I feel like I should keep it if I can. Hmmm.

Hopefully it will all fall into place!!

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