So...about 5 weeks ago, I got a chest congestion/cough thing that had been going around through my work (both staff and residents). Then, just as that was clearing up (and it took about 3 weeks), I got another cold that started with a sore throat, then went into mostly head congestion, which evolved directly into a sinus infection. Then I finally got myself to the doctor for some antibiotics.
I had one of those ultra-vigilant, if I see a speck of green in your mucous we're calling your allergist for antibiotics kind of moms. Bad for antibiotic resistance, very...but I don't think until this point I had ever actually experienced a full blown sinus infection. Oh man, I was miserable. It felt like my upper row of teeth on the left side was being pushed gradually out of their sockets, my cheeks hurt, my ear hurt. All of that on top of the feverish, low energy, nausea from snot dripping down your throat kind of feeling that goes with your average cold. I was not a happy camper.
I've taken only 3 days off of work during this 5 weeks of yuck. I don't get any sick pay yet, plus we're short staffed, so it's difficult to take the time away. The worst of the sinus infection his during my two days off, then I took yesterday and today, and I'm planning to go back tomorrow, for what will be a 2 day week. Whew.
I'm exposed to everything that goes around at work. I'm exposed to everything that goes around my niece's preschool through her. But I'd like to think my immune system is decent; I eat fairly well, exercise, get a good amount of sleep. I need to wash my hands more, I guess, and be ULTRA careful about not touching my face EVER at work.
We don't have those hand sanitation stations around the building like they do at hospitals. I should probably carry hand sanitizer along with me (in addition to gloves) to use in between residents, and then wash my hands for reals on top of that every time I come in the wellness center. And I don't know what can help discourage me from touching my face...maybe if I put on some lotion, so my skin doesn't feel dry, and keep some tissues with me too, in case my nose or eyes are bothering me.
Gotta get these germs under control!
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