"The most successful people are those who are good at plan B." - J. Yorke

Thursday, April 12, 2012

No more cell phones at work!

We had our monthly employee meeting today at work, and one of the most talked about announcements was that from now on, if you are carrying your phone with you during work, you will be written up, and if you are written up three times, you will be suspended for three days without pay. Managers are allowed. And night time med techs are allowed to keep their phones but only for work purposes (taking a call from our boss or calling 911, etc).

I am pleased as punch by this. I usually leave my phone in my car or in my locker while at work anyway, in fact, it came up just a few days ago when my boss sent me a text about 45 minutes into my shift asking how training a new employee was going. I didn't get the text until much later that night.

Yesterday, the girl I don't like much, K, ignored a call for help from one of the caregivers and kept playing on her phone. L, a coworker I like, was in the med room with her and couldn't step away herself (she was busy pouring meds), but saw that K just sat there at the desk and kept playing on her phone. She does that a lot.

One of the LVN's I've seen reach her phone just behind the resident's peripheral vision while in their room to text someone. She's almost 50! She should know better.

It's just not professional. We get 50 minutes of break during the day. That's the time to take care of personal communications. Or discretely, in the restroom or laundry room or something, away from residents' view.

Most of my coworkers didn't share my opinion, however. Sucks for them!

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