"The most successful people are those who are good at plan B." - J. Yorke

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Finger Stick Blood Collection

Tonight was our first skills portion of the phlebotomy class I'm taking. Okay, well, I guess technically we already had one, but that was just how to wash our hands correctly :)

We partnered up, 8 at a time, and went through the procedure of doing a blood collection from a lancet poke in the finger tip, collecting to a capillary tube. I got to practice twice, on two different people. Both said I did a very good job. I was a little nervous going into it (both on the patient side and on the phlebotomist side) but it went pretty smoothly. I think the part I will need to practice most for is not the actual hands on stuff but the best things to say to the patient and being sure to come across warmly and with confidence rather than nervous and new at this. But tonight went well.

I can see that my worlds are starting to collide a bit. The girl I carpool with to phlebotomy class is neighbors with the woman who is out on maternity leave form my new work. So my job is going to know eventually that I am taking a phlebotomy class. Which means that I am thinking of moving on. But maybe that's not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe they will offer me a full time gig if they are keeping in mind that I have other options open.

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