"The most successful people are those who are good at plan B." - J. Yorke

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Study Plan for the TEAS test

Since I took the TEAS pre-test over a week ago, I haven't done anything else to prepare. The nursing school I am applying to will assign me a test date this fall. It looks like all of the possible test dates are on Saturdays, and the first possible date I could be assigned is September 10th. So I have about 2 months to do any review and study that I feel I need to do.

There are 4 major subject areas to cover (Reading, Math, Science, and English Language Usage) and I am looking at the table of contents in my study manual to further break it down.

So here is my rough plan:
Week of 7/04/11: English Language Usage (Grammar)
Week of 7/11/11: English Language Usage (Structure, Spelling and Punctuation)
Week of 7/18/11: Science (Scientific Reasoning & Human Body Science)
Week of 7/25/11: Science (Life Science)
Week of 8/01/11: Science (Earth and Physical Science)
Week of 8/08/11: Math (Numbers and Operations, Measurement)
Week of 8/15/11: Math (Data interpretation, Algebraic Applications)
Week of 8/22/11: Reading (Paragraph and Passage Comprehension)
Week of 8/29/11: Reading (Informational Source Comprehension)
Week of 9/05/11: Take 2nd practice test and Review any Problem Areas
(repeat review until assigned test date)

I keep track of everything I need to get done as well as my work schedules on a google calendar, so I am going to put in the broad subject areas for each week as well as the specific subtopic to cover at certain times.

I hope that by making an appointment with myself it will be easier to get it done rather than just letting the time slip by.

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