"The most successful people are those who are good at plan B." - J. Yorke

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Well that was sh*t timing.

One of the assisted living places I put in an application for a month ago, to do their paid CNA training program, called me for an interview just now. They said they had finally gotten around to checking my references and everything, and that they'd like to schedule an interview with their head nurse, CEO and someone else.

It would be for full time work, 4 hours training and 4 hours on the floor per day until training was over. Agh! Such a better opportunity than the one I just accepted, I think. But I felt responsible to the people that just hired me. So told the guy on the phone that I had just accepted another position last week. He said they'd keep my application on file, in the inactive section, and to please keep them in mind for the future.

Shoot!!! So frustrating. I found out I'm going to be making $10.50 an hour at the place I just accepted work, the receptionist position, while I'm pretty sure the CNA training program would have been minimum wage of 8. But full time work comes with health benefits. Geez.

All I could do was make the best decision I could at the time.

Then there's the other issue of the 2nd nursing home I applied for a CNA training position at -- that one said their summer class was full, but they were interested in me and would definitely call this fall when another class was starting. By then I will have worked at the receptionist job for what, 2 months maybe? Would I feel comfortable leaving then? Probably not.

I will just have to wait and see how it goes, I guess. But I am frustrated, can you tell?!

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